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Injuries in Al-Aroub and Evacuations in Al-Aghwar

Dec 16, 2021 09:10 am


A number of citizens were asphyxiated by toxic gas during confrontations with the occupation forces at the Al-Aroub camp north of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank.

The Chairman of the Aroub Camp Emergency Committee, Abdul Hay Jawabra, said that the occupation had broken into the camp and erected fixed military barriers, leading to clashes between young men and the occupation forces, which had fired heavily tear gas canisters, and a number of Palestinians had been asphyxiated.

In response, he explained that the occupation's erection of military barriers and points within the camp would increase the aggression of occupation soldiers against the citizens.

In a separate context, the occupation notified six families from Khirbet Abziq in the Northern Aghwar of the re-evacuation of their homes, under the pretext of conducting military exercises late this month.

In a statement, human rights activist Arif Dragma said that the occupation forces had notified the same families several times over the current two weeks and the past, and forced them to sleep in the open with their children
