Famous Quotes About the Intifada

Sep 03, 2020 04:13 pm

Khalid Sadeq (Palestinian Author)

“Al-Aqsa Intifada achieved the desired objectives. The sacrifices of the Palestinian people did not go in vain; they led to the expulsion of the occupation from the Gaza Strip”.

Edward Said (Palestinian Intellectual and Scholar)

 “Al-Aqsa Intifada widened the scope of rejection, rage, struggle and condemnation not only against ‘Israel’ but against the international system in a post-cold war world as well”.

Adnan Abu Amer (Palestinian Author and political Analyst)

 “With limited potentials and operations, the Intifada managed to lock the occupation in a cage through making it lose feelings of security and stability”.

Walid Al-Qatati (Palestinian Intellectual and Author)

 “Al-Aqsa Intifada is one wave of a long history of the Palestinian revolution”.

Aharon Ze’evi (Former Head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate)

“Talking about putting an end to the Intifada is an illusion”.

Meron Benvenisti  (Israeli Scholar)

“The Palestinian people is unbeatable and the Israelis must have the courage to admit that”.

Shaul Mofaz (Former Minister of the Occupation’s Army)

 “The Intifada is vicious. It is unlike any war Israel has fought before”.

Ehud Barak (Occupation’s Former Prime Minister)

 “The Palestinians have become like a pillow. Every time you punch them, they return as though they were never punched”.

Ben Tsiyon (Israeli Historian)

 “Whoever dreams of peace, stability and calm in this country is chasing a mirage”.

Political Analysis in Maariv Newspaper

 “The Intifada did what 7 Arab armies with air forces and artillery could not do in 5 wars with Israel”.
