Here is the Graveyard of Justice

Jun 03, 2022 11:43 am

Talal Okal
Whoever has a just cause and bets that the United States will be on the side of justice, especially when it comes to its status, interests, strategy and deep alliances is mistaken. The mistake may even turn into a sin, especially when it goes beyond the personal dimensions to the fact that the issue is people who have suffered and are suffering from injustice and oppression.

In light of the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States has no place in impartiality, moderation, or objectivity. It is a matter of Israel being the preferred and established colonial arm to ensure the backwardness and disintegration of Arab Renaissance projects, and to ensure that the United States dominates the wealth of the Arabs in particular and the region in general. In the garden of the White House, and with the guarantee of the United States and a broad official presence at the international level, the Oslo Accords was signed in 1993. Since then, all the Palestinians' rights of the agreement have been bulldozed, while Israel has escalated its incursion on land, trees, people, and Palestinian holy places.

The policies of the successive American administrations- the democratic and republican- cannot be described as failing to achieve peace, because they worked to manage the crisis, not resolve it, as no solutions will be accepted as long as Israel is not pleased. Israel, with its right and left wings, rejects and resists any solution that limits its expansionist aspirations for the historic land of Palestine, in which the Palestinians are only seen as human beings of the fourth and fifth degree in a temporary residence. The Biden administration pretended that it is heading towards a different policy from Trump's regarding the relationship with the Palestinians and their rights. So, it launched a number of promises, none of which were fulfilled except with regard to UNRWA, despite the passage of about a year and a half since the democratic election of Biden.  The US administration pretends to oppose the extremist Yemeni government's policy in Israel regarding the issue of settlement, the demolition of Palestinian homes, the policy of ethnic cleansing, and the escalation of tension in Al-Quds and the Palestinian territories in general; however, it only issues more statements, which some rely on and which the Israeli government does not believe. 

In a case such as the assassination of a Palestinian journalist of American nationality, the US State Department, several Western and German presidents, and activists have not stopped calling for opening an impartial and transparent investigation, and some of whom have called for the formation of an international investigation team.

In the United States, 56 Congress members are signing a petition demanding an investigation by the FBI in cooperation with the State Department, but the administration is deafening its ears, knowing that Israel is publicly declaring that it will not allow an investigation; neither internal nor international. The question then is, what if Shireen, who is a U.S. citizen, is a victim of an assassination in Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, or any other country that is not classified as an ally at the level of Israel? So far, the United States has not closed the case of the assassination of the journalist Khashoggi, and has not yet used him to blackmail Saudi Arabia.

Some might think that the war in Ukraine is putting the moral values of the United States and Western countries in the face of a moral crisis, having persistently practiced a policy of double standards. It is once again the fault of those who bet on a moral awakening of the American and Western regimes, as long as no signs of such awakening have ever appeared three months after the outbreak of the war on Ukraine. The United States and its allies treat the Russia-Ukraine war as a war of democracy and freedoms, and a war on international law that guarantees the sovereignty of states. Thus, the Russian occupation has become terrorist, criminal and aggressive against the international peace and security, and violative of international law, while the Israeli occupation is a clean and justifiable occupation. The moral system of colonial countries is unlikely to change. The ongoing war - in fact, between the United States and Russia with Ukraine's tools - will increase and deepen the phenomenon of international polarization in light of the ongoing transformation of the international system towards multipolarity. How can we understand the decision of the United States Administration to remove the Kach Zionist Organization from the list of terrorism when that list includes the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and most of the Palestinian resistance factions?

What is this policy and what is this logic that justifies Jewish terrorism at a time when racism and fascism are invading Israel, which is being further exposed and condemned at the level of the international community, including balanced human rights institutions in the United States?
