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Prisoners' Commission: Immediate Actions Must Be Taken to Confront Ben Gvir's Brutality

Nov 08, 2022 11:49 am

Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission warned against granting "space and powers to Zionist extremist Itmar Ben-Gvir, who is seeking the Ministry of Internal Security in the next occupation government.

The commission's responsibility is to supervise the administration of prisons, which poses a real concern and threat to the lives of prisoners.

"Extremist Ben Gvir has effectively begun to attack and incite prisoners and detainees. He publicly demanded to cancel the detention representation and distribution of factions and organizations within prisons, prevent them from preparing food in their rooms to oblige them to receive the meals made by prison administrations, reduce water quantities and to tighten family conditions in general.

The Commission called on the international community to "act immediately to confront the brutality of Ben Gvir and not to leave him free to move in his racist plans against prisoners".
