The Newborn Vision

Feb 01, 2023 12:56 pm

The last two operations in Al-Quds have shaken the living and personal security of every Israeli. They thus arise many questions about the coexistence with Palestinians in Al-Quds, because of the villages and Shufat refugee camp annexed to Israeli control after the Six-Day War.

Nowadays, 350 thousand Palestinians live in these villages, cover 45% of Al-Quds' citizens, which is the largest congregation in the areas of the northern occupied West Bank. Most of its citizens are hostile to Israel. Moreover, controlling these villages is difficult because of overpopulation and there is difficulty in separating them from the Jewish neighborhoods. The most difficult problem for the Israeli Security Service is to encounter the resistance of individuals having blue identity cards, coming from those villages and moving freely in Al-Quds.

In 2017, the former deputy, Yoel Hasson submitted a law draft to remove Palestinian villages and Shuafat camp from Israeli territories, relocate them to areas B and C, and revoke the permanent residence status of its inhabitants. Yet, he immediately responded in his urgent reading.

While the Palestinian resistance has changed its face and working methods in recent years, there is no more effective solution than separating these villages and Shuafat camp from Al-Quds, which will make it safer. For this purpose, there is a need for strong leadership that is capable of making courageous decisions, and understanding what will happen here in the upcoming years.
