Direct Relationship

Feb 26, 2023 02:33 pm
Photo from archive

Maariv – adapted
Before 35 years, Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz wrote, “If the current situation continues, indiscretion will demonstrate." Today, it reached its peak towards the Palestinians and reached Israelis as a result of resistance work after the massacres committed against the Palestinians.

In another dimension, the political indiscretion reaches its peak inside Israel, when the coalition rushes quickly to “neutralize” Israeli democracy. The decades-long occupation has a direct relationship to what is happening in Israel today, as the occupation accustoms Israelis to the existence of unworthy Palestinians to preserve their rights. It would not be surprising if the government did not want to listen to the opponents of the regime revolution, as its attitude towards the Palestinians made it easy for it to take drastic measures against demonstrators against it.

As long as human life reached to this low level, it will also reach us. There can be no democracy towards the inside and dictatorship towards the outside. Either democracy will win by stopping military control over another people, or the dictatorship will overcome. Many Israelis nowadays have begun to understand that they are paying the price of the occupation, and that there's no democracy with the occupation. 
