All That Is Destroyed Is Us

Sep 02, 2023 12:16 pm
Photo from archive

Haaretz – Adapted


Our abuse of Palestinians is a dilemma, and it's shocking that we still exist after all of that. The answer is that we have a government that operates both domestically and abroad. It causes devastation and corruption abroad while causing disintegration domestically. We are aware that we are destroying, but we hope that disaster abroad will come before destruction at home. Why corruption, devastation, and death? It's because this is the only way to maintain control over two million people. The government lacks the guts to declare publicly that we are the same as North Korea.

In the meantime, they are attempting to drag us into the abyss. They are a burden, and their dream is to clog the Tel Aviv streets' with "Hill Youth."

In his 1933 novel Uber Manim (People with Inferiority), Leon Voicht Fanger described a young man who murdered a journalist and was freed under the pretense that it was "self-defence." Jaisha Yird, who was accused of murder 90 years later, was able to grinne with pride. Under the pretense of "self-defense," he was also freed.
