Responsibility Falls Upon Israelis Not Biden

Sep 20, 2023 02:53 pm
Photo from archive

Haaretz – Adapted


Netanyahu and Joe Biden will meet today, but this meeting will not be on the main podium of the White House but rather on the fringes of the United Nations General Assembly. This implies the enormous gap that has developed between the two presidents.

The President of the United States is aware that he lacks the authority to confer a certificate of qualification upon the Head of Government and his government. At the same time, he is also acutely aware of Israel's plans for this session. It's unclear if he will assert that "the United States cannot interfere in Israel's internal affairs" or contend that these Israeli internal affairs are actually American affairs.

Israel's popular awakening, protest, local uprising, and willingness to make sacrifices are the only ways to put an end to the regime's panic. Biden is not obliged to promote and encourage a large-scale demonstration in Israel or to awaken Netanyahu; however, Israelis must defend the entity from the consequences of the government's actions.

