Mohammed Awni Abu Oun
For decades, the Arab region has suffered from lack of democracy and social justice, and was controlled by dictatorships that prevented all parties and powers from their right to take part in the political scene. As a result, the public and other civil society organizations were unpleasant with the situation which gave strong motive to the people to rebel and demand full civil rights.
The regimes in the Arab region have sought suppressing any opposition that would rise against the established rule, and have spread fear and forced silence among their rivals. In addition, the regimes used all forms of torture against these peoples. The corruption of these regimes has resulted in very difficult conditions of the peoples at political, social, cultural, security, and most importantly, economic levels, which enraged the people against their rulers.
This rage was soon turned into revolutionary acts in the streets. It started in Tunisia, moved to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Bahrain and Morocco. The revolutions in these areas took different paths; some of them kept a peaceful approach while others were faced with militarized response which resulted in bloodshed and destruction of assets that made the countries retreat decades behind.
This study examines the Arab Spring revolutions 10 years after their conduct. It highlights the most important factors and motives that caused their breakouts, and describes the most important events, accomplishments and failures. It also presents the international role and positions, and offers an evaluation of such revolutions and field engagements.