‘Israel’ Exists – BUT!

Aug 24, 2020 11:19 am

Ibrahim Alzaeem

We will not deny the truth. We will not say the ‘so-called’ Israel as the Arabic discourse had done from 1948 until 1967. We will also not run from the inevitable confrontation, and accept reality as it is, like ‘Realists’ do.

Such ‘realism’ has made yesterday’s enemy today’s friend to a lot of people. They believe that the Israeli occupation is a fate we cannot escape. If we wish to live in peace, they say, we need to approve the occupation because it is undeceivable, indestructible, and powerful.

These super-human characteristics that Zionism was lied to have created an invincible enemy; a hero that we must reconcile with willingly or not. Zionism, so they think, can maintain regimes and thrones especially amidst an unstable reality that the Arab countries suffer from. Therefore, Arab regimes willingly follow Zionism.

  It is, then, understandable that some cultured and artists normalize with ‘Israel’ out of being ‘civilized’ and ‘hip’. They see it is as a means to success and a door to the world. Do not they know that the Israeli occupation actually controls the media and money?

As for their excellencies, the scholars, they visit ‘Israel’, a sister state, as an indication of tolerance – the ‘essence’ of the religion is how they put it. It is the new version of ‘Islam’, is not it? Or perhaps the old version; have you not read about tolerance and forgiveness with ‘relative’ neighbors (Israel!).

Artists, politicians, cultured and scholars – realism, which you believe in, is incorrect and misplaced. What is it you wish for us to believe? Your ‘friend’ is hard on the terrorists? It hunts them down and wins every round? And is merciful to the open-minded and allows them to visit Al-Quds and Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa? You believe it works against terrorism, and for the safety and security of humanity and peace.

Plenty of Arabs and Muslims, me included, refuse to isolate ‘Israel’ from its barbaric nature: the occupation it stands for. This conscious believes it is a treason to do otherwise. How, then, do some wish for the Arabs and Muslims to accept this cancer without attempting to remove it? How do they wish for us to contribute to the reformation of the Arab mentality to accept the status quo as reality? How do we abandon our history, civilization and heritage? For whom? ‘The chosen people’?

It is unwise for the ill to deny their ailment; they become an easy prey for the disease which will break them completely. Treatment does not begin until the ill acknowledge the truth, and identify their weaknesses and strengths. We admit that there is an occupation, but we do not recognize the legality of theft of our lands and history - Abdel-Wahab El-Messiri.

The difference herein lies: We do not live in isolation from reality. We simply do not over-glorify the strength of the Israeli occupation nor do we undermine it. We do not believe that survival is for the strongest. Has not Israel been defeated in October War? Has it not failed to oppress the First and Second Intifadas? Has it not withdrawn without achieving any military and political objectives in three grave wars on Gaza?

If, however, you – realists – mean you are against anti-Semitism, then, we, too, are against it. Politically, such hostility is beneficial to Zionism. We are not here, nevertheless, to provide religious and historical examples that indicate Islam’s tolerance with Jews and others.

We are not against Jews; they are welcome to live outside Palestine. Inside Palestine, though – dear politicians, scholars, artists and cultured – Jihad is the answer. We will not believe your propaganda and doubt history. We will not believe that they know what they want, they do what they say, they never lose, they never fall – we will not believe you and doubt the Quran and history.

Yes, we will sacrifice a lot, but we will never ‘lose’. Only if we follow their footsteps will we lose ourselves; and – O! – the difference between losing money, houses, souls, and remaining true to oneself; and losing oneself, nation, religion and holy sites.

Long live the resistance which lives in our Muslim and Arab nation. Long live their cheers as they echo: Palestine is Palestine, and Palestine will be free.
