Supporting Palestinians and Facing Normalization with Occupation Should be a Must

Sep 20, 2022 11:22 am

Ibrahim Mahmoud Habib
Professor of Regional and Strategic Studies 

There has been a considerable controversary amongst the nation's politicians, following the several normalization waves invading Arab and Islamic countries. This process has shifted from the phase of official normalization to “demographic normalization,” through influencing their people who support the Palestinian cause by birth. This came as a response to the Western pressures sometimes, hoping to anchor their governments, which rely on American support, not on people's determination.

The promotion of normalization and denial of Palestinian rights have started with superficial, emotional claims to titillate the public. Thus, sometimes they glorify “Israel” and show how cooperation with it would be beneficial.

These countries wish they had had relations with Israel earlier than this, so that they wouldn't have lost golden opportunities, as the UAE Foreign Minister stated at the Negev Summit in 2021.

In the preface to normalization, the other party attempts to show the Palestinians as devils and hold them responsible for failures because of which their countries and people suffered. Also, they claimed that the Palestinians sold their lands to the occupation and normalized relations with it, as well as described the Palestinian freedom fighters as terrorists and cut all supporting ties with them. They further detained their leaders under the pretext of supporting terrorism, corresponding with the American and Israeli narration. Opposing propaganda for Palestinians extends to denying their historical, political, and religious rights and supporting the Zionist narrative by Arab figures who publicly curse the Palestinians and their cause, resistance, and holy places in full view of their governors.

Others take the Fatah–Hamas conflict as an excuse, and try to criminalize one party to the detriment of another, calming their good relations with some countries opposing the Arab systems, and considering these parties as tools for the opposing countries. Notably, the Arab countries reject to support the Palestinians and, at the same time, approach the enemy (the Israeli occupation).

We, the Palestinians, can't deny our role in the gradual deterioration in the support level we receive for our cause, in addition to allowing the Zionist narration to precede our real one in the Arab and Islamic circles, as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) admitting the Israeli right to exist, as well as signing the Oslo agreement.

Some believe that national and regional pressure was a primary reason for the Palestinians' forced normalization over the last century. After that, they got integrated into a vulnerable government, which works as a security propaganda for the occupation. When the late former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Saeb Erekat, was asked about the possibility of stopping the security coordination with the occupation, he answered “We can't!” He explained this by saying that the Palestinian authority, in the eye of the occupation, is a security tool. Hence, once the authority thinks of stopping the security coordination, Israel will immediately discontinuance the authority's powers, and that's what the leaders of the authority don't desire.

The world's attitude of abandoning the Palestinian people and refusing to support their steadfastness would reflect negatively on the entire world. The Israeli conflict doesn’t only target the Palestinians but also the whole Arab and Islamic nation, and the purpose behind establishing the Israeli entity doesn't intend the Palestinians only, as some believe, but the whole world.

When it comes to stealing the wealth of the world and controlling its people, only one country can be mentioned, “so-called Israel”. All the claims about peace and regional cooperation have no reflection on some Arab countries' prosperity. Egypt, the former Arab nation's queen, has recently declined politically, economically, and regionally following the signing of a peace treaty with Israel. Jordan also has the same problem. This is actually what the surveys show about the declining political, economic, and development status in these countries.

There is no doubt that Arab states in the Persian Gulf, with all their development, money, and prosperity, could even ask Israel for assistance; however, Israel requires their money and lands to demonstrate its superiority and continue to fight Islam with its identity and culture.

The Western countries led by the USA intentionally support Israel against all the Arab and Islamic nation, to maintain its military supremacy and prevent any Arab country from obtaining the power that enables it to fight Israel under the pretext of protecting Israel from the Arab rejection of its existence. This allows Israel to kill the Palestinians, steal their lands, and bury their hope in their independent state, even on a part of their land.

This can be referred to the Western agreement on the necessity of maintaining the conflict and tense situation in the Arab region to prevent its development and keep it busy in constant local and regional wars. To fulfill this, the Israeli entity should be kept.

Can't the world see how the west fought our determination? And how do they devote all of their capabilities to thwarting the Palestinian authority's peaceful change? In addition to denying the democratic practice of the Arab people and fighting the elected Arab leaders. This was indicated by several officials, whether Americans or Israelis, considering that democracy doesn't match the Arab peoples, which brings about hostile leaders toward Israel, as stated by the former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak.

We, the Palestinians, have to always remind people of the risks of normalization and abandoning the Palestinian people and their just cause. This is not out of defamation, but out of love, brotherhood, and religion. It's a one-to-one cause that what the Palestinians face today may be the same that the other Arabs face tomorrow.

Based on the previous enhancement, the support of the Palestinian people should be a must. Because when you support them and their cause, you support your existence and maintain your interests as well. It’s the Palestinians' destiny to pay the price in defense of the nation. On the other hand, the West devotes all of their capabilities to supporting the existence of Israel, using it as a tool to maintain their supremacy in the Arab region and steal its prosperous sources.

For all the preceding reasons, we remind our Arab and Islamic brothers and sisters that the land of Palestine belongs to all Muslims worldwide, not just Palestinians. Thus, defending it is a religious, moral, humanitarian, and national duty. Also, normalizing with the occupation will not strengthen them but, in contrast, will weaken them instead. This occupation is the first enemy for all Arab and Islamic nations, so supporting the Palestinians will definitely weaken this enemy, which will not be able to control you unless it can do so for the Palestinian people. 

The West and all Jews around the world provide all kinds of support for the Israeli occupation, whether through money or political and moral support. Hence, it's necessary to know your enemy and to support your siblings in Palestine to defend your existence and your sons' future. Whoever reads history will be able to realize the extreme seriousness of what is happening to the nation. Notably, Muslims have never been dragged down, unless they stop supporting their siblings wherever they can be found. So, don't let history repeat itself again. 

May God watch over our Arab and Islamic nations.

