Ministry of Foreign Affairs Graduates the Trainees of "International and Diplomatic Qualifying" Program

Mar 07, 2023 11:29 am

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has held a graduation ceremony to conclude the International and Diplomatic Qualifying project, funded by PALM Strategic Initiative Center in Gaza. It was attended by governmental figures and officials from other ministries, in addition to the participants of the program.

The program aims to develop the abilities of the employees of the international cooperation in ministries and government departments, and to enhance their skills in the international and diplomatic relations field. This 200-hour program, which included 21 female and male trainees, continued for 12 months. 

The Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Madhoun, said that, this program came to develop the abilities of the trainees, provide them with knowledge, and give them the skills needed to produce visions to create values and principles for them. Furthermore, he noted that the goal of the training is to create a mediator who can be trusted to make a qualitative leap in his vision, skill, and behavior inside his ministry. He added that there will be constant communication with the trainees after the finish of the training, through visits and interviews with ambassadors and officials visiting Gaza Strip.

In a related context, the director of the PALM Strategic Initiatives Center, Dr. Ibrahim El-Zaeem, mentioned the efforts made by the center in consolidating the pillars of government work. He also thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for paying attention to such programs that lead to gaining important knowledge that will have a reflection on the national institutions that serve the Palestinian cause.

The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, engineer Suhail Mdokh, demonstrated that this training is the centerpiece of developing cadres because they are the human capital of any institution. He also emphasized the importance of training sustainability by measuring its effects and constantly following up with its outcomes as a method based on reality. 

