US Elections and Their Impact on Relations with the Occupation

Nov 08, 2020 12:43 pm

The US elections witnessed a fierce race between the Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The preliminary results showed a close result, especially in the fluctuating states where Trump slightly advanced. 

The occupation’s government and public are closely watching the elections since the results will determine the form of the relationship between the USA and the occupation. Their relationship will depend on the vision of the winner at the White House. The electoral scene is now more foggy, with lots of tension and caution spreading in the ‘Israeli’ political arena; especially affecting Benjamin Netanyahu who is looking forward to sealing his deals and agreements with Donald Trump.

The past few years, the relation between the occupation and the US presidents has been quite harmonious as the US stressed the importance of maintaining the occupation’s security, rejecting the Palestinian resistance, and supporting the occupation’s right to exist in Palestine. Nevertheless, there was a sense of disparity among the Americans themselves as to the degree to which such support should be to the occupation’s plans and projects. Trump’s period of rule has been the most supporting to the occupation. 

The occupation is concerned about Trump’s failure to rule for a second term, and Joe Biden replacing him. The quality of the US support to the political balance in the region will be reduced, without truly damaging the international and global political system – as to what happened in Trump’s rule.


  1. Until the moment of writing this estimate, the electoral scene remains unclear. The final results will shape the coming American rule and its relation with the occupation.
  2. The relationship between the USA and the occupation constitutes a strategic element in the US policy, and all US presidents adhere to the importance of supporting the occupation and rejecting the Palestinian resistance.
  3. The US support to the occupation diversified. It is clear, however, that Trump’s rule was the most supporting to the occupation, its Judaizational projects, its normalization projects, and its hostility against Iran.
  4. The occupation is preparing for all the possibilities of the elections’ results including the possibility of the Democrats’ winning. This would lead to supporting negotiations, condemning settlements and calling for the two-state solution.

Expected Scenarios

  1. President Trump wins another term, and the relationship between the US and the occupation continues as they exercise more pressure on the resistance and its supporters, increase the Judaizational activity in the West Bank, and further suffocate Gaza.
  2. Joe Biden wins and the US turns from complete support to the occupation into a well-studied, rational support that keeps the balance and regional interests in check. It would also replace current arrogant discourse with diplomatic and political one.

Either ways, the occupation is relatively relieved because both parties will still support it. One’s winning over the other will not make a real change in the relationship between the USA and the occupation. 

