Judaization Policies and Oppression of the Cultural Identity in the 1948 Occupied Lands of Palestine

Jul 05, 2020 10:50 am

Mohammed Abu Oun

After the Nakba of 1948, a great number of Palestinians were displaced. They either settled down in refugee camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, or in neighboring countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Still, a great number of people in some Arab countries and Bedouin communities resisted the concept of immigration and the occupation’s measures. Although the occupation massacred, slaughtered and suffocated the Palestinians, they managed to survive and protect the Arab identity of their cities and villages. These Palestinians are known today as the Arabs of 1948.

The occupation tried all available means to weaken the Arab identity and any national affection towards it. It targeted the culture, tried to influence the Arab mind and tried to suppress it under a group of projects called ‘Israelization’ (derived from Israel). These projects target the Palestinians and their existence, and aim to reconstruct the new Palestinian who will surrender to and accept the occupation and its presence on Palestinian land.

This study addresses the Arabs of 1948, details about their presence since the Nakba until this day, the most important historical events, and the Israeli attempts to suppress the Arab identity and Palestinian culture inside the occupied lands of 1948. The study ends with a conclusion and recommendations.


