Definition of Normalization and Its Dangers

Sep 17, 2020 05:24 pm
Normalization 1.jpg

Definition of Normalization:

The word ‘Normalization’ comes from the word ‘normal’, which indicates something that is natural. Therefore, Normalization is excluding everything the Normalizer perceives as ‘bizarre’ or ‘abnormal’.

Specifically, Normalization is making the Arab and Muslim mentalities accept the presence of an Israeli occupation in Arab and Islamic countries; an occupation with which Arabs and Muslims deal normally.


     There have been several settlement agreements with the Israeli occupation due to which the Arabs and Muslims accepted its conditions and made concessions that affected the Palestinian constants, and Arabs’ rights. The settlement agreements were preliminary to establishing the culture of defeat among Muslims and Arabs. The regimes, however, became in collision with the popular awareness which believes in resistance, so they had to change such reality through terminating all resistance options and opening the door for negotiations only.   

Based on the abovementioned, the Normalization policy is based on:

  • Recognizing the measures imposed by the occupation as though they are its rights which must not be discussed nor negotiated.
  • Signing agreements, even if transitionally, until the hostility and conflict is over and it becomes necessary to establish ‘normal’ relations with the Israeli occupation.
  • Building normal relations with the Israeli occupation as a necessity for the reinforcement of a settlement process.

Types of Normalization:

  • Political

It includes establishing political relations, rejecting resistance and describing it as ‘terrorist’, addressing the matter as a dispute not a conflict, not shouldering the occupation any responsibility for what had happened to the Palestinian people, and recognizing the occupation as a reality.

  • Economic

The Arab markets are opened for the selling of Israeli products, establishing joint industrial centers and providing the occupation with energy. The occupation insists that political and economic normalization with the Arab countries are essential to achieving peace in the Middle East.

  • Cultural

This type of Normalization means falsifying history, changing the educationa

curriculum and removing anything that indicates the brutality of the occupation.

  • Academic

This includes making normal relations between Arab universities and academic institutes and their Israeli counterparts.

  • Social

Socially, the occupation and the Arabs would organize mutual sport events, concerts and travels.

Dangers of Normalization:

The dangers of Normalization can be classified into the following:

  • Economically

Stealing the riches of the nation and filling its markets with Israeli products.

  • Culturally

Changing the public’s mentality into accepting co-existence with the occupation.

  • Politically

Dividing the countries and controlling them through inciting disputes and waging wars.

